April 21, 2011

Monkeys, Cows and Pigs

I scheduled Jonah and Riley's 1-year vaccination appointment on Monday. These things make me nervous. Matt says everything makes me nervous.

I digress. Right before their 3-month vaccination appointment, my Mom's cousin calls to say she was very upset her daughter was given the Rotavirus vaccine not knowing it’s contaminated with pig. She sends me an article and a website so I can read up on “The Vaccine Shock of the Year.” So I get online and Google Rotavirus. The FDA pulled the vaccine, but soon after, decided it was safe. Apparently, it does contain pig virus, but it’s not necessarily harmful to humans. So here I am, trying to decide if vomiting and diarrhea from a somewhat common intestinal virus – and the slight possibility of death by dehydration – is more detrimental to Jonah and Riley than the unknown side effects of the vaccine.

When I found out I was pregnant I refused to eat deli meat because it could carry harmful bacteria. Likewise, I avoided hot dogs, all sushi and picked feta cheese out of my salad. I ate my usual Turkey and Cranberry sub with sprouts until my Mom informed me of a contaminated sprout outbreak. Matt thought I was crazy, but I figured not more or less than the usual crazy.

Then I spent my entire second trimester evaluating the pros and cons of the swine flu shot. It was fairly new. What would be the long-term effects to my unborn children, if I get it? Will I get sick and kill my babies, if I don’t? It was awful.

Now I realize I will have to make these kinds of decisions for the rest of my life.

Pick them up? Let them cry? Vacciniate? Don’t vaccinate? Change the poopy diaper? Hope they don’t notice and go back to sleep? Don’t judge.

In my obsession to do the right thing or at least the educated thing, I purchased “The Vaccine Book” by Dr. Sears. “Chapter 5. Rotavirus. How is the Rotavirus Vaccine Made? …mix of monkey cells nourished by fetal cow serum…”

Huh. I guess pig was pushing it.

I will tell you that I gave both kids the Rotavirus vaccine, which is administered orally. Riley went first. She made ugly faces; her lips puckered up and she tried to spit it out. Jonah guzzled it like candy, sucked the tube dry and asked for seconds.

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